講義内容詳細:Global Studies Ⅴ(英語講義)

年度/Academic Year 2020
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) Global Studies Ⅴ(英語講義)
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Global Studies Ⅴ(in English)
学期/Semester 前期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) 勝又 恵理子
英文氏名/Instructor (English) KATSUMATA, Eriko

講義概要/Course description
This course is designed to study communication in an intercultural context, with an emphasis on cross-cultural adjustment, culture shock, education, and intercultural competence.  The course also provides an understanding of the dynamics of intercultural adjustment and the support necessary for a successful study abroad experience by understanding intercultural communication and education style differences.  The course is intended for students who are interested in studying abroad in the near future and students who have begun their study abroad experience in Japan.
達成目標/Course objectives
The course objectives are:
1. To increase self-awareness and awareness among cultural group membership.
2. To cultivate mindful attitude and adaptive competencies in dealing with culture shock issues.
3. To reinforce respect for the diverse ways of communicating in different cultural situations.
4. To explain the theory of intercultural adjustment.
5. Identify specific cultural differences between cultural settings.
6. To compare and contrast different communication styles.
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Webex Online Class: Introduction to the class 
事前学習/Preparation Consult the description for this course on the Aoyama Portal / Check the URL for the Webex online meeting listed in the course power
事後学習/Reviewing Review the introductory material for this course
授業計画/Class Chapter 1: Why study intercultural communication?
事前学習/Preparation Read any assigned materials
事後学習/Reviewing Review your lecture notes and assigned materials
授業計画/Class  Chapter 1: Why study intercultural communication? / Preparation for presentation and paper
事前学習/Preparation Read the guidelines
事後学習/Reviewing Review the guidelines and conduct research for presentation
授業計画/Class Chapter 2: What Is Intercultural Communication? 
事前学習/Preparation Read and understand the assigned materials
事後学習/Reviewing Review the assigned materials and your notes
授業計画/Class Chapter 2: What Is Intercultural Communication?  / Preparation for presentation and paper
事前学習/Preparation Read and understand any assigned materials
事後学習/Reviewing Review your lecture notes and assigned materials
授業計画/Class Chapter 3: What Are the Essential Cultural valuePatterns?
事前学習/Preparation Read and understand any assigned materials
事後学習/Reviewing Review the assigned materials and your notes
授業計画/Class   Chapter 3: What Are the Essential Cultural valuePatterns? / Communication styles in the classroom
事前学習/Preparation Read any assigned materials
事後学習/Reviewing Review your lecture notes and assigned materials
授業計画/Class Chapter 7: What Are the Different Ways to CommunicateNonverbally Across Cultures? 
事前学習/Preparation Read and understand any assigned materials
事後学習/Reviewing Review the assigned materials and your notes
授業計画/Class Chapter 7: What Are the Different Ways to CommunicateNonverbally Across Cultures? / Improving communication in the multicultural university classroom
事前学習/Preparation Read any assigned materials
事後学習/Reviewing Review your lecture notes and assigned materials
授業計画/Class Chapter 6: What Is the Connection Between Verbal Communicationand Culture?
事前学習/Preparation Read and understand any assigned materials
事後学習/Reviewing Review the assigned materials and your notes
授業計画/Class Chapter 6: What Isthe Connection Between Verbal Communication and Culture? 

事前学習/Preparation Prepare to listen to and provide feedback for team presentations
事後学習/Reviewing Prepare for the presentation
授業計画/Class Chapter 12: How Can We Become Ethical InterculturalCommunicators? /  Presentations 
事前学習/Preparation Prepare for the presentation
事後学習/Reviewing Write summaries and responses to presentations
授業計画/Class Chapter 12: How Can We Become Ethical InterculturalCommunicators? /  Presentations 
事前学習/Preparation Prepare to listen to and provide feedback for presentations
事後学習/Reviewing Write summaries and responses to the presentations
授業計画/Class Exam
事前学習/Preparation Prepare for the exam
事後学習/Reviewing Review the exam
授業計画/Class Wrap-up and review
事前学習/Preparation Prepare for review
事後学習/Reviewing Review feedback provided by the professor
授業方法/Method of instruction
We will use Webex online classes and CoursePower. Join the online class by clicking on the Webex conference URL in all CoursePower Common Materials. See CoursePower for the materials. This course is not intended for spectators to come and listen to debates.  Active participation is highly expected and evaluated in class.  Students are strongly encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions, while learning from their peers.  In order to fully engage in the class discussions and contribute input, students must complete reading assignments prior to the class. 
1 試験 Exam 30%

2 レポート Report 30% Term paper
3 その他 Others 30% Presentation
4 平常点 In-class Points 10% Participation in classroom activities, quizzes, and assignments
1 Handouts and all reading materials will be provided by the professor.
参考書/Reference books
1 Suggested reading materials will be mentioned in class.
Classes will be held online this semester. Look at All Lessons Common Materials section of Course Power. The URL for the Webex conference is listed, so please click on it to access it when it's time for class.
Students should be aware that the class will be conducted entirely in English.
The syllabus is subject to change during the semester.